Until today, Brittany did not have an international media source for English speakers on the subject of what is happening in Brittany and what matters to Breton people. And this despite the fact that Breton ex-pats and Brittany fans are scattered all over the world.
June 30th Launch of brittany-news.bzh and call for support
We, Philippe ARGOUARCH, Charles KERGARAVAT, Jacques-Yves LE TOUZE and Remy PENNEG, would like to fill this gap. We are therefore addressing this appeal to everyone who loves Brittany to join us in launching.
Brittany news will be a pure player (internet only) media for all things Breton.
Past, present and future, covering all subjects from economics, agro-business, environment, culture, sports, politics, History, tourism and including current issues of daily life in the peninsula within the five administrative departments.
We are looking for English language local press correspondents, citizen reporters or journalists as well as persons willing to help in designing, coding, translating articles from French or Breton to English and proof reading the web site. French or Breton language persons are welcome to contribute photos or movies.
We are all potential citizen reporters !