Sign the petition

#Brezhoneg20Euros : Please, sign this petition

de NHU Brittany
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Save the Breton language, part of Humanity’s heritage with the Brittany regio

NHU Brittany has launched this petition sent to Mr. Loïg Chesnais-Girard (President of the Brittany Region)
Today, the Brittany Region only allocates 2 Euro per resident per year to keep the Breton language on life support as it lies on its death-bed.
This language, like all other languages, is part of Humanity’s living Heritage, and so must be saved and developed.

Sign this petition

sign this petition

If you give any money to, keeps all of that money. You can donate directly to Diwan instead:
Thank you

The Corsican Parliament is able to find €7 and our Welsh friends’ government is able to find €20 to develop their own respective languages.

To develop Breton in Brittany, we want our €20, gradually, over the next five years. We aren’t asking each Breton man and woman for €18 more; we are asking the Brittany Region and its President to redirect €18 from our taxes, money that they already have, to deal with this vital emergency.
The Breton language can disappear. Help us to convince the Brittany region to save our ancient Celtic language, part of Humanity’s heritage.
Sign this petition
Thank you.

Sign this petition

In Breton language  : Mar plij, sinit an ervennadeg-mañ
In French : S’il vous plaît, signez cette pétition

If you would like to help NHU Bretagne ✅
please take a look at Tipeee

région Bretagne

Sinit an ervennadeg-mañ – Signez cette pétition – Sign this petition

To follow NHU Brittany information in English, please follow this link :
We want to reveal to the rest of the world that the French state and its allies in Brittany are working to eradicate the Breton language and other regional languages ​​such as Corsican or Basque.
Thank you

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NHU veut faire savoir à toutes et tous – en Bretagne, en Europe, et dans le reste du monde – que la Bretagne est forte, belle, puissante, active, inventive, positive, sportive, musicienne…  différente mais tellement ouverte sur le monde et aux autres.


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