And unfortunately not only the Atlantic Ocean and the Celtic Sea.
An ICCES (International Center for Climate and Environment Sciences) study told us the news.
The year 2019 has been the warmest one never registered on our small planet. In Brittany the year 2019 has been the third warmest one since it exists the meteorological watch. Actually the atmosphere that all of us are breathing is concerned by these sad records.
The scientific review Advances in Atmosphere Sciences reported that as far as the oceans are concerned the temperature has grown these last five consecutive years. These research and measurement programs are continuously studying in-depth the temperature of the sea water. Indeed the temperature measurements are the most reliable when operated until a depth of 2000 meters
A rising of temperature very low…….
According to Lijing Cheng, one of the authors of this research, the ocean temperature on our planet in 2019 is 0,075°C upper than the mean temperature measured during the period of time between 1981 and 2010.
This figure seems to be ridiculous consequently do we need to worry about it ?
Actually these 0,075°C for the entire planet is equivalent to an energy of 228 trillions of joule !! That doesn’t appeal to you ? Another way to say it ! This energy is equivalent to 3,6 billions times the Hiroshima nuclear bomb which destroyed completely this japanese city.
At this stage the ocean streams are only slightly impacted.
According to these different studies warming of the ocean is speeding up. The same scientist Lijing Cheng tells us that the rising of ocean temperature between 1987 and 2019 is five times the one between 1955 and 1986.
Let’s remind the reader that the mass of oceans water is currently absorbing ninety per cent of the greenhouse effect gases emitted by us.
Brittany as a peninsula is bathed by the Gulf Stream from time immemorial. Thanks to this current originating from the coast of Florida and crossing the ocean North Atlantic, Brittany benefits from a permanent shirtsleeves weather.
Global warming and particularly warming of the North Atlantic ocean and Celtic Sea which surrounds Brittany has already a real impact on the weather of the peninsula.
The impact can be noticed on the cost erosion and on the strength and frequency of the winds.
Biodiversity seems to be impacted as well.
As far as Brittany is concerned ocean has always been of great interest.
The Ocean is our future.