Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù, the Breton national anthem
Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù is the Breton national anthem.
Its tune is inspired by the Welsh national anthem, Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. Its name also means « Land of my fathers« . The Cornish national anthem, Bro Goth Agan Tasow, in Cornish also uses the Welsh anthem’s tune. Finally, it can also be found with the Khasi people of north west India.
Played for the first time in 1898, to this day it remains the anthem for Breton men and women the world over. It is sung at many cultural and sporting events and festivals. Brittany’s rugby and football teams now sing it before all their matches.
An association has been created to share and promote Brittany’s national anthem. This association is called … Bro Goz Ma Zadoù … eveljust! ( Breton word for »of course » in English).
So, if you are a member of a sports association or choir or love music and Brittany, we would like to invite you to joint this committee.
Here are its contact details:
Poellgor Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù ha Pellg/Phone +33 (0)2 97 64 12 76
Video of Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù.
Roazhon Park sings Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù during the match between Stade Rennais of Roazhon / Rennes (Brittany) and Arsenal FC of London (England), on 7th March 2019. Video Jean-Pierre PRIOUL.
Kan Broadel Breizh.
Ni Breizhiz a galon, karomp hor gwir vro !
Brudet eo an Arvor dre ar bed tro-dro
Dispont ‘kreiz ar brezel, hon tadoù ken mat,
A skuilhas eviti o gwad.
O Breizh, ma bro, me ‘gar ma bro !
Tra ma vo mor ‘vel mur ‘n he zro,
Ra vezo digabestr ma bro !
Breizh, douar ar sent kozh, douar ar varzhed,
N’eus bro all a garan kement ‘barzh ar bed.
Pep menez, pep traoñienn d’am c’ahlon zo ker,
Eno ‘kousk meur ar Vreizhad taer !
Ar Vretoned ‘zo tud kalet ha kreñv.
N’eus pobl ken kalonek a-zindan an neñv.
Gwerz trist, son dudius a ziwan eno.
O ! pegen kaer ez out, ma bro !
Mard eo bet trec’het Breizh er brezelioù bras,
He yezh a zo bepred ken bev ha biskoazh,
He c’halon virvidik a lamm c’hoazh ‘n he c’hreiz.
Dihunet out bremañ, ma Breizh
Spectators at the Stade de la Rabine during a rugby match in Gwened / Vannes singing Bro Gozh Ma Zadoù
National Anthem of Brittany
Paroles en langue française (Komzioù e saoznek)
We, Bretons of the heart, love our true country!
Armor is famous around the world.
Fearless in war, our great ancestors
Shed their blood for it.
O Brittany, my country, how I love my country.
The sea is like a wall which surrounds it.
Let my country be free!
Brittany, land of the old saints, land of the bards,
There is no other country in the world which I love so much;
Each mountain, each valley is dear to my heart.
More than one Breton hero sleeps there.
The Bretons are tough and strong people.
No people under the skies are as brave.
Sad lament or pleasant song are born inside them.
O! How beautiful you are, my homeland!
Though Brittany was conquered in war in the past,
Your language still remains alive,
Its burning heart beats forever.
You are now awake, my Brittany